Deadbolt Locks
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It isn’t a new scene in the news for burglars, thieves, or hooligans to bypass normal spring type locks due to their vulnerable mechanism, or even go so far as to destroy the locks completely with crowbars and other weapons. The strong mechanisms of the deadbolt locks, however, are almost impossible to be forced open and bypassed. This destroys the flow of the intruder planning to enter your home, therefore, increasing the chances of them getting caught red-handed.
Deadbolt locks, otherwise known as deadlocks, are known as one of the top choices for security locks for any new or existing homeowner. Compared to its spring bolt lock counterpart, it is nearly impossible to force a deadbolt lock open without using the right key and rotating it to the correct position in order to provide maximum security to the valuables inside someone’s humble abode. Since they are more resistant to break-ins and burglaries with their robust mechanism, it is the popular lock of choice for our wide customer base here at Sherlock Locksmith.
Whether you’re a new homeowner who is fixing to bring tight security into your first home, or an existing one who aims to maximize their house’s security from bad apples in your community, installing deadbolt locks into your doors is a wise choice in order to feel that security you’ve been looking for in a home. After all, it is best to take precaution and initiative, rather than be forced into a position of remorse or regret, just because you didn’t get the best locks installed.
Our know-how in different types of locks, including deadbolt locks has cemented us to be a reputable locksmith service, bringing satisfaction to our customers every single time. Our extensive knowledge in deadbolt locks include, but are not limited to:
This type of deadbolt lock, from its name “Single Cylinder,” is a type of lock that can be opened with a key on one side, while the other side does not and only uses a thumb piece in order to operate it. These types of deadbolt locks are usually positioned with the one requiring the key on the outside, and the thumb piece on the inside, in order to ensure maximum security and prevent random intruders from coming in your home. However, these types of locks are not advisable to be used in glass doors, as burglars and hooligans have the capacity to break the glass and turn the thumb with their hands, gaining access to all of your valuables.
From its name implying “Double Cylinder,” this is the type of lock where a key is required at both sides in order for the lock to be operated. Due to its added security, it is more recommended in glass doors compared to Single Cylinder Deadbolt Locks. In times of emergency, however, this type of locks might pose as a hindrance from accessing the other side of the door, especially when people are in a state of panic.
Molding more closely with technological advancement, keyless cylinder deadbolt locks don’t require keys or knobs in order to operate, but biometric scans or passcodes are used instead. With this type of deadbolt lock, anyone who doesn’t know the passcode or does not have verified biometrics in order to access the door will not be able to get in your humble abode.
It isn’t a new scene in the news for burglars, thieves, or hooligans to bypass normal spring type locks due to their vulnerable mechanism, or even go so far as to destroy the locks completely with crowbars and other weapons. The strong mechanisms of the deadbolt locks, however, are almost impossible to be forced open and bypassed. This destroys the flow of the intruder planning to enter your home, therefore, increasing the chances of them getting caught red-handed.
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